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Mayor Frank Nopper presents the Host City Stuttgart logo.



Host City Stuttgart represents a clear set of values in the context of UEFA EURO 2024. The following values accompany the path through preparation to realisation to follow-up work for the European Football Championship:

Our value DIVERSITY:

By joining forces, we are breaking down barriers with our projects and measures relating to UEFA EURO 2024 and embracing diversity in all its facets.

Our value MOVEMENT:

UNITED for Stuttgart, we are jointly fostering Stuttgart and the region with innovative projects and measures for UEFA EURO 2024. We focus on flexibility and advocate for the issues we have chosen.


The UEFA EURO 2024 in Stuttgart will be a football festival full of joy and enthusiasm, which we will celebrate UNITED with the citizens of our region and our guests across all borders.


UNITED for Stuttgart, we are jointly implementing ideas and projects for the UEFA EURO 2024 Host City Stuttgart that aim to achieve long-term change – sustainably and without exception in the use of all resources and in their long-term impact.












Diversity & togetherness

"United for Stuttgart" is the motto that Host City Stuttgart has adopted for UEFA EURO 2024. As the venue for the European Championships, the state capital is in the spotlight. This is its chance to show the world what Stuttgart has to offer. The population, the participating institutions and the media are called upon to make the vision of a European Championship characterised by diversity and togetherness a reality.

The aim is to generate enthusiasm for Host City Stuttgart among guests from all over the world. The effort of every individual, both in front of and behind the scenes, is crucial here. Stuttgart should be perceived as a place where sustainable change and innovative thinking go hand in hand with tried-and-tested methods and lived tradition. UEFA EURO 2024 is much more than just a football tournament. Here, history can be made on and off the pitch.

Host City Stuttgart

Lokale Förderer

Baden Württemberg The Länd SWR Stadtwerke Stuttgart