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Diversity unites!?

Top-class panel discussion organised by Host City Stuttgart.

Just 214 days before the start of UEFA EURO 2024, we sent out a special signal for diversity and against discrimination and racism in Host City Stuttgart with our panel talk "Diversity unites!?" at the Liederhalle Culture and Congress Centre. A range of diversity topics were highlighted and wishes and expectations for UEFA EURO 2024 in Stuttgart were discussed here.

The guests in attendance at the evening were top class. This was already evident during the keynote speech, which was given by Clarence Seedorf, UEFA Global Ambassador for Diversity and Change and Champion's League record winner (four titles with three clubs). Seedorf has been working for many years to combat racism and discrimination with his foundations. He says: "The world needs leaders who utilise the potential of equality so that quality and merit form the foundations of an inclusive society. In this way, newborns and young girls and boys can remain as pure in spirit as the day they were born." He gave his keynote speech – which was peppered with personal opinions, experiences and his expectations for the UEFA EURO 2024 – following the welcoming address by Stuttgart's Social Mayor Dr Alexandra Sußmann.

"The state capital Stuttgart is an international city in every respect. We are known for our diversity in business and society – diversity is our strength", says Dr Sußmann, who heads the Social Affairs and Social Integration department. "It is therefore a special honour for us to host five games of the European Championship and have the opportunity to welcome football fans and guests from all over Europe to the stadium and the fan festival in the heart of the city. With the motto "Diversity united!?", we are sending out a clear signal in favour of diversity. If we want to combat racism and discrimination, we need to address these issues, talk about them and take action against them. The European Championship is a particularly good opportunity to clearly identify the challenges."

In the subsequent panel discussion, Muhterem Aras MP (President of the State Parliament of Baden-Württemberg), Philipp Lahm (Tournament Director UEFA EURO 2024), Alexander Wehrle (Chairman of the Supervisory Board of DFB GmbH & Co. KG and Chairman of the Executive Board of VfB Stuttgart 1893 AG), Hans Sarpei (former football player at Bayer 04 Leverkusen and FC Schalke 04 as well as on the Ghana national team, among others) and Frank Thumm (Chief Executive Officer of Würtembergischer Fußballverband e. V.) discussed discrimination in everyday life and in the football world as well as the opportunities and expectations of next year's major football event in Stuttgart.

"We all have a responsibility to show racism and antisemitism the red card: always and everywhere!", Muhterem Aras MP, President of the State Parliament of Baden-Württemberg, made unequivocally clear.

Philipp Lahm, Tournament Director of UEFA EURO 2024, also believes that everyone has a duty to combat discrimination: "UEFA EURO 2024 should be a festival of football for all of us, welcoming millions of fans from all over the world. That's why we are now all called upon to get involved in the spirit of the community and to ask ourselves what specific contribution each and every one of us can and must make to ensure that we celebrate a peaceful and joyful tournament together in the summer. UEFA EURO 2024 should bring people together and strengthen society."

Alexander Wehrle stressed the urgency with which an open discourse on racism and discrimination is still needed: "Football has been Germany's integration machine for decades, bringing people together on the pitch and in the stands who would otherwise never simply come together, and doing so without a political agenda. At the same time, football is a reflection of our society, with all the accompanying ills of our time. Racism and hatred do not stop at the stadium. In this respect, UEFA EURO 2024 will also be about putting sport, fun and emotions centre stage – and at the same time taking a clear stance on the social issues that become even more important during such a major event."

Hans Sarpei described his personal experiences: "There are many people who don't believe that racism and discrimination are still commonplace in our country – whether it be at work, on the street, in clubs or in football."

Frank Thumm spoke of football's grassroots, emphasising the importance of football for peaceful coexistence in our society: "Amateur football reflects the diversity of society. No other sport brings together so many people who would otherwise have fewer points of contact due to their background, education, religion and socialisation. This is a great opportunity – but also a challenge."

The event was hosted by TV presenter Lea Wagner: "I lived in Stuttgart myself for a long time and was delighted to present the Host City Stuttgart to the guests at the venue and the viewers in the live stream as I have come to know and appreciate it: diverse, colourful and absolutely crazy about sport."

Lokale Förderer

Baden Württemberg The Länd SWR Stadtwerke Stuttgart