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Host City Stuttgart whets the appetite for UEFA EURO 2024 in Brussels

UEFA EURO 2024 and the European Union both have a common, key interest: their passion for Europe.

UEFA EURO 2024 and the European Union both have a common, key interest: their passion for Europe. It was therefore a natural step to bring together sporting and political experts ahead of UEFA EURO 2024 and give them a stage. Where would be more appropriate for this than the Representation of the State of Baden-Württemberg at the EU headquarters in Brussels? And with Thomas Hitzlsperger, a former German national player, in attendance. He shared insights and experiences from his exciting life with an equally high-caliber and knowledgeable audience.

The evening on April 17 was all about the unifying joy of soccer. "Europe. People. Backgrounds. Thomas Hitzlsperger in conversation" was the title of the event and there could not have been a more suitable guest to invite: after all, hardly any other player stands for diversity and tolerance in Europe's favorite sport as much as Hitzlsperger. The 42-year-old is respected internationally for his sporting successes. Among other things, he was German champion with VfB Stuttgart and made 52 appearances in the national team jersey. He is also highly respected for his attitude off the pitch. In 2014, Hitzlsperger was the first prominent German professional footballer to publicly declare that he was homosexual. There was praise for this from many quarters – including the German government.

Thomas Hitzlsperger (right) with host Okka Gundel
Thomas Hitzlsperger (right) with host Okka Gundel
© Zacarias Garcia
Guests in the room: representatives of EU institutions, the German permanent representation, business associations and NGOs.
Guests in the room: representatives of EU institutions, the German permanent representation, business associations and NGOs.
© Zacarias Garcia
Florian Hassler, State Secretary in the State Ministry and Representative of the State of Baden-Württemberg to the European Union
Florian Hassler, State Secretary in the State Ministry and Representative of the State of Baden-Württemberg to the European Union
© Zacarias Garcia

Soccer star and role model: Thomas Hitzlsperger's mission in Brussels Even during his playing days, the Bavarian-born player was committed to diversity and campaigned against racism and discrimination. His book, aptly entitled "Tests of courage", was of course one of Hitzlsperger's central topics at the EU evening in Brussels. TV journalist Okka Gundel hosted the discussion with the ex-football star, during which he gave some insights into his adventurous life.

As a guest in the Representation of the State of Baden-Württemberg in Brussels Florian Hassler, State Secretary in the State Ministry and representative of the State of Baden-Württemberg to the European Union, welcomed the international guests. These included representatives from EU institutions, the German Permanent Representation, business associations and NGOs. The atmosphere was incredible and perfectly matched the anticipation of EURO 2024. The discussions were lively and in keeping with the occasion, the foosball table was busy until late in the evening. 

Lokale Förderer

Baden Württemberg The Länd SWR Stadtwerke Stuttgart